Sara Tabatabaie, chief political officer and communications director for VOTEPROCHOICE, joins host Lynda Woolard in a conversation about the importance of building a Pro-Choice Democratic bench at the local level and the work their organization is doing to elect Pro-Choice candidates up and down the ballot.
Sign up for Action Alerts and get your local Pro-Choice Voter Guide at voteprochoice.us.
Connect with VOTEPROCHOICE on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Read Lynda Woolard’s Bayou Brief piece on Abortion Rights and the 2022 Midterms here: A Fight Worth Having.
Find more Louisiana Lefty content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and at LouisianaLefty.Rocks.
Thanks to Ben Collinsworth for producing Louisiana Lefty, Jennifer Pack of Black Cat Studios for our Super-Lefty artwork, and Thousand Dollar Car for allowing us to use their swamp pop classic, Security Guard, as the Louisiana Lefty theme song.