Host Lynda Woolard is joined by Davante Lewis, Director of Public Affairs and Outreach at the Louisiana Budget Project, for a conversation on the intersection of policy and organizing. Connect with Davante on Twitter. Check out the Louisiana Budget Project’s work at labudget.org, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. More ways to connect to Davante’s work: Foundation for

June 22, 2021
1.19: Demystifying Democratic Endorsements with Professor Handwerk
Lynda Woolard hosts Stephen Handwerk, consultant, strategist, and former executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party, for the first in a series of episodes on how the Democratic party operates. This week, we go through what candidates need to know about getting an endorsement from the party. Find Stephen Handwerk on Twitter. Read the DNC bylaws. Read the Louisiana Democratic

1.18: There’s a Hero in Us All with Gaby Goldstein
Lynda Woolard hosts Gaby Goldstein, co-founder and Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Sister District, to discuss the importance of state legislatures in advancing progressive policies and protecting democracy. The conversation includes a deep dive into the work Sister District is doing across the country to share data, support organizers, and build coalitions, as part of a complete strategy

1.17: Super Friends Team Up with Peyton Rose Michelle
Lynda Woolard hosts Peyton Rose Michelle, activist with Louisiana Trans Advocates and elected member to the Democratic State Central Committee, for a discussion on anti-trans legislation, organizing at the state Capitol, and getting pronouns right. Follow Peyton on Twitter and Facebook. Connect to Louisiana Trans Advocates: latransadvocates.org Find more information about the Louisiana Legislature: legis.la.gov Watch Blair Imani’s Smarter in Seconds TikTok on Pronouns. Peyton used

1.16: Proof of Heart with Brooks Fordham
Lynda Woolard hosts Brooks Fordham, student at Louisiana Tech in Ruston, LA, and outgoing Vice President of College Democrats of Louisiana, for the podcast’s continuing series of conversations with young Democratic leaders on the best ways to engage voters in their peer group. Connect with Louisiana Lefty on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Thanks to Ben Collinsworth for producing Louisiana Lefty,