Louisiana Lefty has been on winter break, but recent events with the Louisiana Democratic Party prompted us to quickly put out an episode to address some of the questions about how we get state party leadership. On this episode, host Lynda Woolard and “Professor” Stephen Handwerk break down how we get – or change – a Louisiana Democratic Party chair. Spoiler Alert: it all starts with electing representatives to our party’s state governing body, the Democratic State Central Committee, or the DSCC.
Lynda had previously written the story of the 2020 state party chair election for the Bayou Brief: How Do We Get A Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Anyway?
Check here to find how your Democratic State Central Committee member voted in the 2020 Democratic Chair race: 2020 DSCC Chair Votes
Find your state party representatives on the Louisiana Democratic Party website: Our Party: Our Leaders
Look up information on past and upcoming Democratic Party elections on the Secretary of State website: Get Election Information: Search For Candidates
Find more Louisiana Lefty content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and at LouisianaLefty.Rocks.
Thanks to Ben Collinsworth for producing Louisiana Lefty, Jennifer Pack of Black Cat Studios for our Super-Lefty artwork, and Thousand Dollar Car for allowing us to use their swamp pop classic, Security Guard, as the Louisiana Lefty theme song.