As we continue our ongoing series on “Demystifying the Democratic Party” with Professor Stephen Handwerk, we explore what successful state Democratic parties are doing, and what the Louisiana Democratic Party could and should be doing.
Check out the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution and Bylaws.
Find more information on how the Democratic Party operates in our “Demystifying” episodes:
• Demystifying the DSCC [The Role and Responsibilities of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee]
• Demystifying State Party Chair Elections [How Do We Get a Louisiana Democratic Party Chair?]
• Demystifying Voter Reg vs GOTV [Balancing Voter Registration with Voter Mobilization]
• Demystifying Democratic Alphabet Soup [Identifying all the National Democratic Groups and What they Do]
• Demystifying Democratic Endorsements [How Do Candidates Get a Louisiana Democratic Party Endorsement?]
Find more Louisiana Lefty content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and at LouisianaLefty.Rocks.
Thanks to Ben Collinsworth for producing Louisiana Lefty, Jennifer Pack of Black Cat Studios for our Super-Lefty artwork, and Thousand Dollar Car for allowing us to use their swamp pop classic, Security Guard, as the Louisiana Lefty theme song.